This blackjack is not great!

I've been writing these posts for a very long time - the first time I wrote an annual "accounting" was in 2005 - and I know, over the past few years, they have become more ... perfunctory, I suppose, although I do like writing them and I try to find some new things to say. But as Mia has grown, things with her just don't change too much, and so these posts just don't have the new information that people might want. I will keep writing these posts, of course, and I do always plan to write on this blog more than once a year, so we'll see, but it does bug me that these posts might not be more entertaining for the readers (not that I have readers!). Mia's life is interesting, but she has reached a plateau in terms of her development, which is good for her and for her parents, but not great for people who want to get some updates about her. So, here we go. It is, of course, the anniversary of Mia's accident. On 18 April 2003, we were hit by a flatbed ...