
Showing posts from April, 2023

Two decades too many!

It's 18 April, which means it's Mia's anniversary, and once again I lament that this is the only time I update her blog.  I don't mean to - it's just that things get away from me, and suddenly it's a year later, and here we are again.  On 18 April 2003, Mia and I were the car accident that left her with a traumatic brain injury, meaning it's been ... yikes, 20 years.  I don't mind her getting older except that it reminds me that I'm getting older! The reason I don't write as much as I used to is, as I've noted recently, that Mia's life has settled in pretty nicely to a good routine.  This year was no exception.  After COVID, she's been back in school and at summer camp, and she loves it (we did all get COVID last summer, but it barely affected Mia, because she's super-tough!).  She comes home, watches television, gets therapy on the days she gets therapy, and sleeps.  After this school year, she has two years left, so we don't...